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Lyford Gideon

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NCIC named amongst top performing State-Owned Enterprises

NCIC named amongst top performing State-Owned Enterprises

The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has been named amongst the top performing state-owned enterprises (SOEs) for the year 2022. The announcement was made by the Minister of Finance, Honourable Sosten Gwegwe MP, when his ministry together with the...

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NCIC Statement on weather induced shocks on infrastructure

NCIC Statement on weather induced shocks on infrastructure

The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) joins all Malawians of good will as well as cooperating partners in condoling His Excellency the President, Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, affected families and the entire citizenry on the huge loss of life and...

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NCIC for quality in construction

NCIC for quality in construction

The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has said it is leading initiatives to ensure that firms and individuals are complying with standards when building in the aftermath of Cyclone Freddy. Writes the Daily Times. Please read the whole story on:...

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The National Construction Industry Council was established by the National Construction Industry Act(Cap.53:05,Laws of Malawi)to regulate ,develop and promote the construction industry in Malawi. Under the Act, the Council has the mandate to keep and maintain a...

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Contractors lobby for fiscal space

Contractors lobby for fiscal space

Construction Industry contractors under the umbrella The Malawi Building and Civil Allied Traders Association (MABCATA), on Thursday 23rd of March 2023, lobbied Parliament through the parliamentary committee on transport and infrastructure to ensure that the fiscal...

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NCIC donates to Cyclone Freddy victims

NCIC donates to Cyclone Freddy victims

The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC), on Thursday the 16th of March 2023 donated various food stuffs to the victims of Cyclone Freddy at Naotcha Camp in Blantyre, worth K5 Million (Five Million Malawi Kwacha). The cyclone has so far claimed more than 300...

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