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Lyford Gideon

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NCIC pilots technical audits for projects

NCIC pilots technical audits for projects

The National Industry Construction Council (NCIC) is piloting technical audits on three construction projects in the country in a bid to identify challenges that affect effective delivery of infrastructure projects as well as identifying solutions to challenges facing...

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De-registration of RM Enterprise Ltd

The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) would like to inform all Construction Stakeholders and the general public that following a disciplinary hearing conducted by the Disciplinary Committee of the NCIC Board, RM Enterprise Ltd was found guilty of...

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The National Construction Industry Council of Malawi (NCIC) is pleased to inform all stakeholders and the public of its inaugural launch of the NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION DAY, scheduled for end of May 2025, in Lilongwe under the theme “Quality Driven Construction Industry:...

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NCIC briefs its stakeholders on industry developments

NCIC briefs its stakeholders on industry developments

On 29th and 30th October 2024, the National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) gathered industry stakeholders in a series of engagement meetings held in Lilongwe and Salima. The meetings brought together professional boards, implementing agencies, client...

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MDF and NCIC explore partnerhip opportunities

MDF and NCIC explore partnerhip opportunities

The National Construction Industry Council of Malawi (NCIC), hosted officers and students from the Malawi Defense Force Command and Staff College (MDFCSC) in an interactive session at NCIC headquarters, in Lilongwe on Friday the 25th of October 2024. The session which...

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