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Press Release on use of Registered Contractors, Consultants & need for Project Registration

Home 9 Announcements 9 Press Release on use of Registered Contractors, Consultants & need for Project Registration

The National Construction Industry Council was established by the National Construction Industry Act (Cap. 53:05 of the Laws of Malawi) to regulate, develop and promote the Construction Industry in Malawi.

The Council would like to inform all stakeholders that Section 20 of the NCI Act, prohibits any person from carrying on business in the construction industry in Malawi unless he is registered under Act. Further, all Stakeholders should take note of the following:

i) Engagement of unregistered persons to carry out construction works in Malawi is a criminal offence, this includes contractors and
consultants whose license have expired.

ii) Ensure that they only engaged Contractors in the right Class and Category of registration to execute the works.

iii) Ensure that they engage registered Consultants to supervise the works and refrain from taking up the role of the Consultants on any

iv) Ensure that a clear signboard is erected on every site displaying project information including project registration number.

Please take note that the Council will issue a Stop Order on any project that is deemed to have contravened the NCI Act and Regulations.
Further to this, the Council has several procedures, Orders and Regulations, that enable it to carry out its mandate. These can be accessed on
For more information, please contact the undersigned:

Eng. Gerald T. Khonje
Chief Executive Officer
National Construction Industry Council
Private Bag A146

Tel: +265 887 829 505
WhatsApp +265 888 623 845
Email: or

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